MARCH 2018

Be Aware the Meaning of March

 March is an interesting month.  Did you know that before 150 BC, the Roman calendar only had ten months?  December, the tenth month, was so named because it was the tenth (deca) month.  Likewise, September was named for the seventh month (septa) and October for the eighth (octa).  What happened to January and February?  Guess the Romans decided to forget them since nobody likes to remember cold winter months.

But March really is a wonderful month.  It signals the coming of spring.  For basketball fans, its “March Madness.”  For baseball fans, it means the opening day is right around the corner. For the Irish, it means St. Patrick’s Day, corned beef and cabbage, and green milk shakes at McDonalds—or something stronger at the local pub.

However, there is one saying that to me is very suggestive—at least this year.  That is the old saying: “March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.”  This year, we could use the lion’s share of our rain this month.  But more importantly, Easter week comes at the end of March.  Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday (April 1), all come at the end of March.  In the truest sense, Easter is about March going out like a lamb, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

 March, incidentally, was named for the Roman god Mars, the god of war.  Well March is all about God’s war on sin and the hopelessness of mankind.  But Hallelujah! The Lion of Judah came to Jerusalem one week before the end of March and the Lamb of God exited the dark winter of the tomb the day March was over.  This year the end of March reminds me that the winter of my soul has been turned to the “Son shine” of God’s love and grace because the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world (Rev. 5:6; 13:8) defeated sin and death (1 Cor 15:55-57) and sits upon the throne of my life. Hallelujah indeed.           Pastor Mike