Welcome to Women’s Ministry
We are here to serve you because we believe women are designed by God to meet the needs of other women. Our purpose is to encourage women to develop and maintain a vital relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible study, outreach activities, and service.
The Leadership Team
Director: Janet Hamil
Recording Secretary: Rett Haworth
Treasurer: Janet Pinnell
Event Coordinators: Rett Haworth and Janet Hamil
Publicity: Bonnie King and Carol Glaush
FIGs Group Advisors: Tricia Shorkey
Welcome Lunch Coordinators:
Helping Hands: Wynona Hail and Carol Griggs
Outreach: Linda McCollum
Advisors: Tricia Shorkey and Carol Griggs
Should you see us around, please come and say hello. We would love to meet you. There are always opportunities for involvement, so please don’t hesitate to ask.
Women’s Fellowship Happenings
Various events are offered throughout the year to allow women to become better acquainted, meet new people, and fellowship together.
Save the Dates for our wonderful and inspiring programs:
Spring Event: April 13, 2024
Summer Event: July 13, 2024 (See information at end of document.)
Holiday Craft Faire and Bake Sale: November 1-2, 2024
Christmas Event: December 4, 2024.
Please check this website for updates.
Opportunities for Service
Helping Hands provides visitations and meals when needed for those within the church family in times of illness or difficulty. Wynona Hail and Carol Griggs
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Women knit and crochet prayer shawls to be given to those who are going through difficulties. Sandra Milbauer
Craft Faire and Bake Sale: Our annual Craft Faire and Bake sale will return this year. There will be many vendors and wonderful cakes, cookies, and candies, among other things. All proceeds go to Women’s Ministry charities.
Friendship Interest Groups (FIGs)
The purpose of these groups is to encourage women to enrich friendships through mutual interests and shared activities. It is hoped that each participant will develop new and lasting friendships as they enjoy the activities and share the love of Jesus.
Ladies ‘N Stitches & More: Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:00-3:00. Ladies work on quilting and needlework projects with experienced helpers. Paula Arndt
Card and Craft Creations: Learn the art of card making and special craft creations. Cost $5.00. Classes are held on the second Thursday every other month, 1:00-3:00. Beth Barnes
Lunch Bunch: There are three lunch groups. Each group meets once a month in various locations where they have time to get to know one another and enjoy a wonderful lunch. Belinda Warner.
WOW–Women of the Word Bible Study, Janet Doll. Call the church at 916-408-3800 for information.
We welcome you to participate in all the activities and events.
You can get a copy of the FIGs and Women’s Ministry brochures in the church foyer. For more information, call the church office at 916-408-3800.