July 2020

The Spirit of Patience

Patience is not something that seems innate to us Americans.  Yet let us remember that one of those luscious fruits of the Spirit is “patience” (Gal 5:22).  Thus we are being called upon to exercise that fruit during this stage of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  We had hoped to open church up on July 5.  But the latest statistics are showing an “uptick” in the occurrences of cases in Placer County and especially Lincoln.  Therefore we are waiting until August 2 for our opening.  However, we will monitor the situation month to month to see whether even that date will be safe. While Lincoln Hills seems to have avoided infection, still with things opening up, the potential for more infections has increased.  Statistically, churches are rated right up there with bars and gyms as one of the most dangerous places for acquiring infections.  Now I don’t particularly like being lumped in with a bar or tavern; but still the point is that when you bring people into closer contact, the likelihood of catching something that you don’t want to catch goes up. For that reason we are asking for patience so that we can go on being filled with love, joy and peace and not the virus.  How long?  It is not possible to say with absolute guarantee.  The only thing that we can guarantee is that we will do everything we can to protect you and insure your health.  We also guarantee that our staff and elders are here for you and will continue to seek to make contact with you in every healthy way we can.  Our services will continue on YouTube and my devotionals will be there every day.  If you need to talk, our staff is at the office Monday through Thursday and is glad to be an encouragement to you.  Communion kits are available now in the office and we will observe communion on the first Sunday in July.  As we continue on, “Let us run our race of faith by keeping our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector (captain and coach) of our faith” (Heb 12:1,2).   Pastor Mike