May 2023

Growing up I lived across the street from the
Williams family…they were a great family.
There was Mom and Dad; the oldest son Jim
was my age; there were two middle sisters and
a younger son.
About Christmas time one year, Jim’s dad
suggested to him that it would be a nice gesture if he
were to give his camera to his younger sister as a Christmas gift.
Jim thought about it for a couple of days and went back to his father and told
him that he really needed to keep his camera. He was on the photography team
for the school paper, he was in the photography club and he used his camera
all the time.
His father said nothing more.
On Christmas day, Jim’s father got a gift of a “brand new” camera from his
wife, and Cindy got her dad’s old camera. It happened to be a much better
camera than Jim’s camera.
Jim’s dad had planned to give his son his camera, while Jim gave his camera to
his sister. But Jim chose poorly.
I often think about that when I read the Bible and there are things that the
Father suggests that we do. But in our selfishness, we want to do it our way
and not the way of the Father.
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the
LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a
When the Bible makes a suggestion, God leaves room for us to decide whether
to follow or not.
But like God, Jim’s dad did not want to take anything away from him, he
wanted to bless him twice. First, with a generous spirit of giving something to
his sister, and second with an upgraded camera.
Following God’s Word gives us the chance to choose
That is what I think.

J <><