November 2020

Heading Toward The Holidays
Here it is November and Corona Virus is still with us. It’s going to be a different holiday season for all of us, that is for sure. Everyone is asking when will we get back to normal and be able to worship in Sunday services like we used to? Truthfully, it will probably be a while. But let me tell you what we are doing and what the plan is for now. Presently, we are worshipping on Saturday mornings at 10 AM in our sanctuary. Why Saturday and not Sunday? Primarily, it is because three quarters of our congregation are not ready to risk exposure to the virus and prefer to watch the service on YouTube. Saturday worship allows us to tape and upload the service to YouTube and have it available for viewing late Saturday. That allows our church family to view the service at home on Sunday. The worship service on Saturday morning is exactly what we would do on a Sunday morning.
Here is some good news. As of Tuesday, October 13, Placer County has been moved to the Orange Tier, allowing places of worship to be open for up to 200 people. The six foot distancing and face masks requirements remain in effect. The six foot requirement means that we can only host 135 congregants. So as of the weekend of October 17, we are now set up for 135 seats with six feet spacing. Chairs are set in pairs allowing couples to sit together. We are doing everything we can to insure your medical safety. How long will we worship on Saturday morning? The numbers will be our guide. If Covid-19 cases remain on the downside, we hope that December will allow a return to Sundays. We would very much like to enjoy the Advent Season on Sundays and we have some special services planned. But we will be monitoring things closely and keep you informed.
In the meantime, as Joshua said, “As for me and my (church) family, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15). In the midst of the pandemic, the LHCC church family is active and serving the community in the name of the Lord. May God keep you safe and focused on His grace and provision. No matter whether you are home, or in church, never forget that “the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh 1:9). PASTOR MIKE