October 2019


     One week into fall—colors changing, weather cooling, days growing shorter and we are beginning to head toward Christmas.  How quickly the time flies, especially when you are having fun.  And I have been having fun.  Ten years at LHCC have come and gone and both Diane and I want you all to know how precious you have all been to us.  Thanks for the kind words on September 1 when you celebrated our ten years here.  Special thanks to our Elders and their wives for chipping in to buy us a nice evening at a local restaurant.  As we enter into this time of year and into a new decade of ministry, I am reminded that all of us are counselled to “number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom” (Ps 90:12).  Every day is a gift from God and as the seasons of our lives pass ever more quickly, it is incumbent upon each of us to heed these words.  What constitutes the wisdom the Psalmist (Moses in this case) calls for us to hear?  For me it comes down to three things.  First, in the words of Jesus’ prayer: “Father, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”  Knowing God through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the most important step anyone can make.  Second, wisdom is understanding that God created each of us for a purpose.  As Ephesians 2:10 states: “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Be wise.  Find out what God shaped you for (usually it’s something you are good at) and then do it to the glory of God.  Finally, wisdom is understanding that we won’t live forever but we can leave a legacy that will outlive us in the lives of those we have loved.  As the Apostle Paul once wrote, “Now abide faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor 13:13).  I love the fall but whether its fall, winter, spring or summer, it is always the season to love others, even our enemies, as Jesus loves.  The writer of the Proverb wrote, “He who is wise wins souls” (11:30).  As we pursue wisdom, we may just discover God’s journey of grace for our own soul. Pastor Mike