September 2021

As I write this column for our newsletter, I am constantly accosted by the latest news on the upward numbers in the Covid-19—Delta Variant battle. What is to be our response? I am so grateful that we can worship together and we are doing our best to bring back some normalcy. But each day is a wait and see as to new precautions to be taken. So what’s the plan here?
First, we are encouraging everyone to be vaccinated. At the moment it is the best way to battle back the encroachment of the enemy virus. As for masks, we want to encourage each of us to do what you are most comfortable with. Masks are not required but it can be a preventative against spreading the virus that might have invaded your space. Whether masked or not masked, respect each person’s space and efforts to protect themselves. Presently, we are pursuing joining together in song and worship. But if, at any point, medical authorities prescribe a mandated masking we will follow that order. However, I am praying that over the next few weeks, we may see a downturn in statistics.
We have been fortunate to have had few cases of infection but we will take nothing for granted. An old preacher once told me when I was first starting out in the ministry that there are three “P’s” to Christian service: “Preach, Pray, and Plug Away.” Well, Pastor Jody and I will continue to preach, “Christ crucified, dead and buried, and coming again” (1 Cor 1:23). We along with all of our church family will continue to approach the throne of grace with prayers for healing and deliverance. Finally, we shall continue to just “plug away” being faithful as disciples of Jesus Christ. Someone once reminded me that much of life is a redundant process of doing common things. The secret of success in life is to do those common things uncommonly well. Let us endeavor with all of our hearts to do those three P’s. When we do, the presence of Christ will be our constant fortress and strong tower. And as Proverbs 18:10 states, “The righteous run into it and they are safe.” Pastor Mike