August 2021

LOOKING FORWARD AND BEYOND August is one of my favorite months. It is the month that tells me that summer will soon begin it’s exit as it moves toward fall (well maybe). It is also the month in which we as your church staff begin planning for the fall. So, what’s up?
Many have asked about the choir and want to know if the choir is coming back? Yes, we are working toward having that back as part of our worship. However, a lot has changed in this past year. Many former choir members are no longer able to take part. On the other hand, we have new members who have expressed interest in that ministry. Many have asked about Karen Ulijohn. Karen and I recently talked about her coming back to lead the choir. She expressed that she was honestly ready for retirement. As much as she loved doing the choir, she wanted to be considered as “retired.” Thus, we will begin looking for new leadership to move us forward. We would also like to open up the fellowship time with coffee and refreshments after the service, and hopefully will do so early in August. It has, indeed, been good to be back to our regular Sunday morning worship without masks. However, we are watching the trends and statistics each week. It is our ongoing desire to keep our church family safe from Covid infection.
Any time we can bring our church family together around a meal is a highlight. The second Sunday in September we are planning our first Friendship Sunday of the year. We will be serving a special BBQ tri-tip meal put on by our Burnt Offerings men. Plan now to invite your neighbors and friends. Many have also asked about Movie Night. On Labor Day weekend, we will hold our first Movie Night in nearly 18 months. At the present time, we plan for popcorn and ice cream. If possible, we may also offer hot dogs and chips. Finally, we are planning our first Christmas Banquet in two years, again to be held at Catta Verdera on December 15.
In every way we are trying to get back to normal. It has been a battle getting there and all of you who have been so patient and encouraging, have blessed us as a church staff. As we soon enter into the fall, please pray with us as we reach out into our community. There are so many people who have struggled through the Covid journey but without the Good Shepherd to guide them. We as the family of God can show what it is to know that “Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of Covid, we will fear no evil for His rod and His staff, they comfort us and guard us” (Ps 23:4).
The month of August was so named after Rome’s first emperor, Caesar Augustus. It was named in honor of his many triumphs. As we moved into August, let this month honor the triumph of our King of Kings, and let us spread His good news: “O death where is your sting; O grave where is your victory. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor 15:55,57).
Pastor Mike