January 2020

2020–Ready, Set, Go!

A new year.  Good grief Charlie Brown!  How quickly each year comes and goes and now it is time to plan for another year that will fly by even faster than the last.  In the church office, we have already been at work planning for the next year.  But beyond the dates, events, happenings, and appointments, there are other matters to prepare.  I’m talking about habits and lifestyles to renew or improve upon.  Here are some suggestions for 2020.  First, make it your habit each day, to spend time with God.  Use a devotional that works for you.  We have plenty of “Daily Breads” in our office. Many of you already use this wonderful daily devotional—a great way to start the day. Second, make it a goal to give back—to church, to family, to those in need.  Make it a goal this year to be a person of generosity.  Third, build friendships.  Certainly build relationships here at church; but take time to build bridges to people in your neighborhood.  Get to know a neighbor you haven’t met yet.  Invite them to lunch or better yet over to your house for a meal.  Finally, enrich your life by learning something new.  Maybe it’s how to use your I-Phone, or your computer, or even your new smart TV.  The more we learn, the more we give, the more we build friendships into our lives, the longer and richer our lives become (If you don’t believe me, just ask “Dr. Oz”     .  It is going to be a great year.  Can’t wait to live it in rich fellowship with you all. Pastor Mike