Well here we are in March of 2021. A year ago we entered into this whole Covid-19 affair. In the beginning we called it Corona Virus but then medical experts told us that Covid-19 was the more correct terminology. All any of us can say is that its name is stress, inconvenience, and nightly statistics on infections, deaths, and even controversy. But here we stand and on the verge of better statistics and vaccinations that we hope will help us return to normal. The one thing normal in all of this is how our people at LHCC have handled this journey. I say normal because I would not have expected anything less from God’s family in this church. You have been faithful, encouraging to me and all of our church staff, and willing to “look unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith” (Heb 12:2).
Many of you want to know what is ahead for our church. First of all I want you to know that we will return to in person worship at 10:00 AM on Saturday, March 6. For now we will continue taping our services on Saturday, as we are only allowed to have a maximum of 100 in attendance. The bulk of our church family will worship through our YouTube upload. Thus Saturday tapings allows us to have the service available for the rest of the congregation on Sunday mornings. Of course, we will need to continue social distancing and wearing of masks. We have had extensive discussions about Easter Services and have decided, as we did last year, to conduct our Easter service on Saturday, April 3, 10:00 AM so that we can upload and have the service available for the rest of the congregation on Sunday. However, what we are wanting to gage is if there are more than 100 people who would like to attend a Saturday Easter taping. If there is we would try to schedule two services. But we need to hear from you. Let us know if you would like to be with us for the Easter taping on Saturday, April 3. You can either call, or email, or come by personally and let us know.
On that first Easter morning, it must have seemed to the followers of Jesus that the world had come to an end. In a certain sense they were all quarantined in the upper room “for fear of the Sanhedrin” (John 20:19). But then came Jesus. Hope was born again. This Easter, let hope be reborn in all of us. The risen Christ continues to speak to our spirit, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. . . . I have overcome the world” (John 14:27; 16:33).
With Deepest Regards, Pastor Mike