May 2022

The first day of May marks two weeks since Easter. It seems hardly possible that we have moved through the past four months so quickly. More Covid shots, tax season, Super Bowl, Olympics, Academy Awards, Masters Golf Tournament, start of baseball season, beginning of NBA playoffs. Oh yes, Easter also came and went. But of all of these, which has the most lasting impact? One month from now, I couldn’t tell you who won an Oscar—good grief, I couldn’t tell you now. Not sure I will remember who won what at the Olympics, or at the Masters. I think the Rams won the Super Bowl. Alas maybe next year for San Francisco. Not being a basketball fan, I’m not paying attention to who is winning on the court. I’m probably watching my New York Yankees, but honestly, I couldn’t tell you who the baseball heroes are these days, though I could probably cite you the ridiculous amounts of money they are paid.
But none of us can forget what took place two weeks ago—we remember something that Jesus commanded us to never forget. His body and blood were offered for our eternal atonement. Someday in heaven, I doubt we’ll care much about who won the World Series, or the Super Bowl. But we will remember forever the one who won the victory over sin and death—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. In May, we will remember our mothers, and especially those mothers who led us to faith. We will remember those who fell in battle protecting our country. And we will hope that they will have walked into battle carrying the shield of faith about them. We will also remember the May Flowers that have sprung forth because of the April Showers (there really were some this year) and they will remind us that one day, we will rise in glory. That which was sown a perishable seed (this body we bear) will one day be raised a spiritual body, something entirely new and incorruptible (1 Cor 15:42-44).
Yes, May reminds me of things I have forgotten about, but everyday reminds me that God has not and will not forget me. He has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you” and “Yes I am with you even until the end of the age” which means “He will return so that I can one day be where he is forever.” Every time you look at the May flowers, be reminded that, Christ died for sins that one day He might plant you permanently in His garden. He loves you with an everlasting love” (Jer 31:31). Pastor Mike